Author: Amy

Closed for the Weekend for Level 1 Certification

CRCF in Needham is opening up their classes to Southie CrossFitters at 8am and 9am on Saturday and 9am Sunday.  Vagabond CrossFit in Brockton is also opening up there classes to Southie CrossFitters on Saturday at 730am and Sunday at 8am,9am, and 10am.  No registration required to either,  just show up.   CrossFit Yoga will […]

Another Great Weekend

Thank you to everyone who came to support us on Saturday, it was a great time and a big success for CRCF. Mike “Megatron” Harrison was paired up with Jaime and put up some serious weight for both the snatch and clean and jerk. Mike snatched 225 and then clean and jerked 300, which made […]


Show up to class on time! You don’t want Coach Alec mad at you…. Strength Push-press 3-3-3-3-3 WOD “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders Sit-ups

Got Pull-ups??

We are so proud of our CrossFit ladies! Lots of pull-up action lately. Michelle just got her first pull-up yesterday! I have seen Leann, Emily Woods, and Sara sneak their chins over the bar during some single attempts.  Kris, Emily H, Dani, Jaime, and Lebo have all recently started to link together 3-5 pull-ups without […]

Earth and Fire

When we first were discussing integrating yoga into our program someone said to Kim “crossfit and yoga are completely opposite principles”, I understood what he was saying yoga is serene and about lengthening and healing your body, and crossfit is intense with blaring music, bloody shins, torn hands, and heavy lifting. Kim had the most […]


Strength Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3 WOD 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Thrusters (95/65) Pull-ups Level 2 (80/55) Level 1 (65/45)

Partner up kids

Don’t forget that Chuck is giving a lecture on “What’s for dinner?” today at 1. The lecture will really help you live paleo.  Please click on the link for the packet. WOD Partner Up! Row 1000m (switching every 250m) 50 Ground to overhead anyhow (95/65) 40 Burpees 30 KB Swings (2/1.5) 20 Handstand Push-ups 30 […]

Fifteen and Fifteen…Round 2

Don’t forget to register for your weekend classes! Strength Back Squat 3-3-3-1-1-1 WOD Row 500m then complete 3rds of 15 Overhead squats (95/65) 15 Box Jumps then Row 500m Level 2 (80,55) Level 1 (65,45) ADV (115,80)

Push it!

I want to apologize to the Sunday Yogis for getting the shaft due to the 10:00am class running over this past weekend. That was our fault, bad time management. We are going to try our hardest to prevent this in the future. As much as we want you all to work on your skills and […]

We are open tomorrow morning at 5:30 and 6:30am. 7:30am is canceled.

The storm is supposed to hit us pretty good around 7am through the remainder of the day. We are trying to get in a few classes before the storm. We are going to play it by ear tomorrow for the noon and evening classes. Keep checking the website for updates. Sorry for the inconveniences due […]