I want to apologize to the Sunday Yogis for getting the shaft due to the 10:00am class running over this past weekend. That was our fault, bad time management. We are going to try our hardest to prevent this in the future. As much as we want you all to work on your skills and mobility, after the 11am Saturday class and the 10am Sunday class you need to either move to the front of the room by the desk, or be extremely quiet and non-disruptive to the yoga instruction. We want everyone to get the most they can out of CrossFit Yoga, and it is difficult to do so with slamming weights and other distractions. Remember your first yoga class does not count towards your weekly classes, take advantage of it and see if it is for you!
10 Rounds
10 OH Walking lunges (45/25)
10 Push-ups
10 Wallballs (20/14)
Level 2- 7 Rounds
Level 1- 5 Rounds