Chris Ehl

Chris Ehl


Coach’s Corner! – Chris Ehl!!
We’re excited to announce the newest member of our Coaching staff Chris Ehl! Chris came to CFS in August of 2020 – Shortly after we Re-Opened and has been here pretty much every day since 🙂 We’re happy to have him in the Southie community, he has an awesome, positive attitude that is contagious. Chris has been so open to learning as an athlete and a coach and we know he is going to be a great addition to the team. Read more about Chris in his interview below!

1. Which Classes you currently coach?
Monday at 6 and 7 am

2.How long have you been involved in CrossFit?
2 years!

3.What is Your favorite part of being a crossfit coach?
Only a few weeks into coaching, but so far its been seeing people push themselves past what is comfortable to finish a workout strong!

4. What is Your Favorite WOD and Movement?
Favorite WOD is Abbate (love all long WODs), and movement is a toss up between Split Jerks or HSPU.

5. Tell us about your athletic background!
I played golf and baseball in high school, and then golf in college.

6. Give us a Small piece of advice for Newbies and/or Veteran athletes
Focus on moving light weight really well before adding weight! Something I certainly did not do when I first started and thus I now spend a lot of time working on snatching!

7. Any Fun Facts that most people don’t know about you?
My twin sister and I were born on my Mom’s birthday. Worst day of the year now for my dad and brothers bank account.

8. What do you enjoy about the CFS Community?
Everyone here is so welcoming and approachable! I very quickly felt at home and love every second I’m there. I think this is pretty evident if you pay attention to people after class. People always hang out after, catch up, and convince their friends to do 1 (or two or three) more workouts for some extra fitness. It’s hard to match that kind of energy and a big reason I love it here.