1.Classes you currently coach?
Monday’s 11AM & 12PM
2.Years as a crossfitter and coach?
I’ve been doing CrossFit for 9 Years and coaching for about 7.5!
3.Your favorite part of being a crossfit coach?
I think my favorite part is being able to further connect with the community. As an athlete, I tend to workout generally at the same time every day and so coaching gives me an opportunity to get in front of other athletes and connect with them on a different level. I think having coached and done CrossFit for so long, there’s a lot I’ve seen and been exposed to and with that I have a lot to offer the Southie community. The other really cool part of coaching is watching other athletes have those “ah-ha!” moments with skills or movements they’ve been working on.
4.Your Favorite WOD and Movement?
I think my favorite workout is Open Workout 16.2 (Dubs, T2B and ascending weight squat cleans). It’s a good mix of all different modalities. My favorite movements are Bar Muscle-Ups and Heavy Squat Cleans!
5. Athletic background (sports you played in high school and/or college)
Growing up there wasn’t a sport I didn’t play or at least try but as I got into High School I focused on Football and Baseball.
6. Small piece of advice for Newbies and/or Veteran athletes
For the Newbies, I’d say just keep coming in and try to have some patience at the beginning. Some of the movements in CrossFit take a while to really nail but the more repetition you have, the quicker you can become proficient. I’m 9 years in and I’m still trying to refine movements or be more efficient with them.
For the Veterans, Honestly I’d just say try to lend out a helping hand where you can whether it’s with a movement or even just something as simple as saying hello. We have a lot of new athletes each week and it can be intimidating starting a new workout program let alone stepping into a new community.
7. Fun Fact most people don’t know about you
Haha it’s not exactly very fun but I broke my back growing up playing football. CrossFit is actually what I used to rehab and was what strengthened my back and core enough to live pain free.
8. What do you enjoy about the CFS Community?
Honestly, everyone’s just super welcoming. Some of the best parts of my day are being in the gym and seeing everyone, having people come up and say hello or Good Morning. It sets my day off on the right foot and for that I’m grateful. So if you see me, don’t hesitate to come up and talk!
9. Certifications you hold
CF-L1 and CF-L2