Got Pull-ups??

Nice Jackie

We are so proud of our CrossFit ladies! Lots of pull-up action lately. Michelle just got her first pull-up yesterday! I have seen Leann, Emily Woods, and Sara sneak their chins over the bar during some single attempts.  Kris, Emily H, Dani, Jaime, and Lebo have all recently started to link together 3-5 pull-ups without coming off the bar. Ali, Mel, and Jackie continue to get better at their pull-ups each WOD…pretty awesome!!

If you haven’t gotten your first pull-up yet don’t feel discouraged. Almost all of these ladies started with the green band. Keep working at it every chance you get. Come early or stay late. They will come.

If I missed you please post your pull-up progress!


5 Rounds
5 Front Squats
7 Burpees
9 Toes to Bar

Level 3 (155/105)
Level 2 (135/85)
Level 1 (95/65)
ADV (185/115)