Category: CrossFit

How often do you get sick??

Boom, Boom, Pow-erhouse! I hope that I don’t jinx myself when writing this, but it has been exactly one year since Chris and I have been sick. This was never the case before CrossFit or before omitting grains, dairy and legumes from our diets. This means that we made it through all 365 days of […]

CrossFit Nutrition Make-up Lecture

New Years schedule – New Years Eve normal schedule.  New Years Day classes at 11am and 12pm instead of 9am and 10am, Advanced class at 930am. If you missed the nutrition lecture on December 11th, we will be giving a make-up lecture on Wednesday, January 5th at 7:30pm. If you are planning on participating in […]

“Marissa’s Story”

Marissa and I started working together in May of 2009. Marissa has two disabilities, cerebral palsy and visual impairment. I have trained her 3x/week since we met and she has made enormous strides since our first appointment. Her walking, balance, and coordination has improved drastically. Whether you are 90lbs or 300lb;, an athlete or disabled; […]


Yes, we are in the building. We couldn’t shovel the car out, so we walked! Come on in. Classes will operate as scheduled for the rest of the day. There IS a noon class.

Morning Classes are Canceled. We hope to be open for Noon.

Jason Dione sent us this email last week after he left class. Although it is personal, he is allowing us to share it with you all. Thanks again Jason- you are an integral member of our community and we appreciate your input and kind words. “I just wanted to send a big ‘thanks’ out to […]

No morning classes :(

Hey guys. The overnight weather forecast is looking ugly. Unfortunately, we need to cancel the morning classes for safety reasons. We will be open for noon and the evening classes. We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience. Stay warm!!


WOD 100 Shake Weights for time We’re expecting a lot of snow, stay tuned for Monday’s schedule.

Merry Christmas!

CrossFit Southie is developing into quite a community! We feel extremely fortunate to be in the presence of so many fun, athletic, hard-working, and extremely good-looking people. Each one of you has taken a step towards becoming the fittest and healthiest that you have ever been. Your hard work is admirable and will pay off […]


Merry Christmas Eve everyone!!! We only have morning classes today. Come sweat it out before you slug down that eggnog. Skill Ring Pull-Ups/Ring hanging ADVANCED Muscle Ups Test 1000m Row WOD “Karen” For Time: 150 Wall balls (20/14)