CrossFit Nutrition Make-up Lecture

New Years schedule – New Years Eve normal schedule.  New Years Day classes at 11am and 12pm instead of 9am and 10am, Advanced class at 930am.

If you missed the nutrition lecture on December 11th, we will be giving a make-up lecture on Wednesday, January 5th at 7:30pm. If you are planning on participating in the paleo challenge and missed the first lecture, please make it a point to come to the make-up lecture.

On January 8th we are having open hours from 9-12. Those participating in the paleo challenge will be recording all of their baseline measurements and baseline workouts- (max pull-ups, max push-ups, max thrusters in 2 minutes, and max 1000m row). There is a sign-up sheet for the challenge on the desk, please sign up if you are planning on participating. Thanks!

Double WOD

12 min AMRAP
5 Thrusters
20 Double Unders

Level 3 (115,80)
Level 2 (95,65)
Level 1 (65,45)
ADV (135,95)

Rest 7 Minutes


10 Rounds
10 Pull-ups
10 Box Jumps

Level 2 (7 Rounds)
Level 1 (5 Rounds)