Category: Competitor

Benchmark: Schmalls – CompetitorWOD

Warm Up with general class Skill Handstand Push-ups WOD “Schmalls” Run 800 meters Then two rounds of: 50 Burpees 40 Pull-ups 30 One-legged squats 20 Kettlebell swings (1.5,1) 10 Handstand push-ups Then, Run 800 meters If the weather is bad, substitute the run for: Row – 1000m Ski Erg – 1000m Bike – 1.5 miles

Friday Special – CompetitorWOD

Warm-up with general class Strength Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes Bear Complex -Power Clean -Front Squat -Shoulder to Overhead -Back Squat -Shoulder to Overhead WOD 100 Double Unders 20 Hang Power Cleans (135,95) 50 Double Unders 15 Shoulder to Overhead 25 Front Squats 15 Shoulder to Overhead 50 Double Unders 20 Hang […]

AMRAP Skill – CompetitorWOD

Warm-up 30/25 Calorie Bike 15/10 Strict Pull Ups 30 Bandy Good Mornings 15 Bandy Pull Ups 30 Bandy Side Steps (15 each) Strength WOD 10-8-6-4-2 Deadlift Overhead Squat Games- 345/185,225/125 Regional- 315/165, 205/110 Open- 275/145,185/95 WOD 3 Rounds In 3 Minutes Complete 20/15 Calories on Assault Bike AMRAP Muscle Ups Rest 1 minute In 3 […]

21-15-9 – CompetitorWOD

Warm-up Grab a Barbell 15-10-5 Muscle Clean Press from Split Position Burpee Lateral Jumps Windshield Wipers Strength EMOM20 1. Mins 1-6 2 Squat Cleans @ 85% Minute 7 Rest 2. Mins 8-13 2 Split Jerks@85% Minute 14 Rest 3. Minutes 15-20 1 Clean (Power or Squat) and Jerk @ 90-95% WOD 21-15-9 Squat Clean Thruster […]

Partner WOD – CompetitorWOD

Warm-up With Classes Partner WOD 3 Rounds 60 Calorie Row 50 Burpees 40 Chest to Bar Pull-ups Partition the reps between partners however you choose. Post WOD Strength Pause Squat 2-2-2-2-2 Between sets completed 10 weighted lunge steps with dbs or kbs for weight

Free Endurance class at 10am every Sunday – CFS

Does Fran lung destroy you? Do you fatigue during chippers? Would you like better cardiovascular capacity /a bigger engine? Coach Sebastian’s classes will focus on CrossFit endurance / V02 max training capacities as well as running / movement efficiency. Various modalities will be implemented such as running, rowing, body-weight movements, airdynes and more. This Sundays […]