Author: Retta

Hand Care

There will be a non-coached Competitors class at 7:30am this morning. MANI-CURE?? Crossfit challenges us with large quantities of pull ups, climbing up ropes, sumo deadlift high pulling and repping out those toes –to-bars. These great movements can sometimes leave our hands battered and bruised with the occasional blister. There are ways to prevent hand […]

The Importance of Hip Extension

Powerful hip extension is the literal and figurative driving force of many of Crossfit’s 9 essential movements, olympic lifts, and other gymnastic movements such as pull ups. Generating a powerful kip for those chest-to-bars or performing a snatch that feels almost weightless on the platform are both indicators that you’re doing something right…using those hips! […]

Maximize your Mobility

Skill Rope Climbs WOD Row 1000m 21-15-9 Ring Dips KettleBell Swings (2/1.5) Row 1000m Adv = perform one rope climb after the round of 21, the round of 15 and the round of 9 = 3 total rope climbs L2 (1.5/1) L1 (1/.5) We understand that rolling on a baseball can be painful, and we […]

Cash Outs, Homework and Retesting the Paleo WODs

We had 7 teams compete in the Route 1 male/female competition this weekend.  Three out of the 5 teams (Goose/Ames, DeDonno/Andrea and Melberg/Tombraider) that made it to the final heat were from the Southie Squadron and two made it to the podium.  Congrats to all that competed, a lot of heart and class was shown […]

World’s Greatest Stretch

The “World’s Greatest Stretch” is a series of stretches that target all of the major muscle groups surrounding the hips. Adequately named, these stretches are simple yet extremely effective. They can be performed before class, in between strength sets, after a tough WOD or in the comfort of your own home. There are also scaling […]

What’s up with that wrist pain? check that overhead mobility

If you have ever encountered wrist pain during a workout involving overhead squats or movements requiring the front rack position you are not alone. Truth be told, the solution to that problem is almost always related to the flexibility of the muscular structures downstream from the wrist discomfort.  Here is a list of the 3 […]

First experience with Fran

My bar is set up in the middle of Southie Orange facing the shiny pull up structure and the brilliantly colored signature logo. Adrenaline is coursing through my veins as I nervously pace back and forth with the “pregame jitters”. One of my favorite songs is blasting throughout the box pushing my RPMs further into […]

Self Sufficient Athletes

One of the main goals as a coach at CrossFit Southie is to create well rounded, self sufficient athletes. We constantly strive to teach movement progressions, physiology of exercise/nutrition, weight room safety and tips to help you perform better. We do this because we have a true passion for helping others and want to expand […]

Bam! Kick it up a notch

Most recently I have seen a number of members coming early to warm up, staying after class to work on weaknesses,and stepping out of their comfort zone and pushing their limits. Those actions demonstrate dedication and surely do not go unnoticed.We’ve seen Ryan working on his double unders outside in the dark. Witnessed Bill stepping […]

Game Planning the WOD

How much thought do you put into the WOD? Do you strategize your plan of attack or just wing it last minute? Lets explore a few tricks that will help improve your times, scores and ultimately your fitness… Time 1 round – If a workout includes 5 rounds, glance at the clock to see how […]