My bar is set up in the middle of Southie Orange facing the shiny pull up structure and the brilliantly colored signature logo. Adrenaline is coursing through my veins as I nervously pace back and forth with the “pregame jitters”. One of my favorite songs is blasting throughout the box pushing my RPMs further into the red zone. As I look around It feels as if everybody else is patiently waiting for the workout to begin. I know these workouts are challenging but whats the big deal? What were the reps again? 21-15-9? Of thrusters and pull ups? Whats it called again? Three…Two…One… Goooo!!! My heart is pounding as I grip the bar, set myself up and start moving the weight with full out effort. After the first dozen, I drop the bar and am completely drained. I can hear weights clanking loudly against the floor and can see only the backs of those athletes walking calmly to the next movement. A few reps at a time is all I can do. I finish the set and walk over to the pull up bars as my legs and shoulders are burning. My breathing is out of control and my forearms are throbbing. I somehow manage to finish the pull ups and slowly make my way back to the barbell. The rest of the workout is a blur. I keep seeing the green and orange Crossfit Southie logo as I’m constantly standing to catch my breath in between reps and trips to the alley out back. Toward the end I can’t hear any music, only the words of encouragement from the other athletes as I finish my final repetition. Although it took me about 26 minutes I was so glad to be done yet so proud of the fact I finished the workout FRAN.
Paleo Benchmark #1
Thrusters (95,65)