Author: TinaMo

Thank You!

Reminder: The Endurance Class takes place Sunday’s at 9:00am & Thursday at 6:00pm starting at Crossfit Southie. This membership does NOT count toward your membership. The coaches and workouts are top notch and the class is a great way to become more efficient, increase your conditioning or train for an upcoming race! December 9, 2010, […]

Moskillity: Pull Ups + Hollow Rock Challenge

  MOSKILITY- We have decided that members would greatly benefit from mobility instruction specific to skill work. We have cancelled our Wednesday night mobility class and revamped and extended our Monday night mobility classes to a 45 minute Moskillity class (from 7:00-7:45pm). Each week we will pick a specific skill to work on, and in […]

No Sugar Challenge to benefit Charlee and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

NIkita is heading back to Russia.  The Russain Oly classes, which were additional to CFS membership, will be cancelled for the time being. A New Year and a new beginning are here! Who doesn’t love a fresh start?! Now that the holidays have come and gone we want to help you tighten up the reins […]


Classes in Southie Green today at 11am & 12pm only. Happy New Year! WOD “2015″ 400m Run/500m row 20 Kettlebell Swings (2,1.5) 15 Burpees 400m Run/500m row 20 Box Jumps (24,20) 15 Burpees 400m Run/500m row 20 Toes to Bar 15 Burpees Run 400m/500m row 20 WallBalls 15 Burpees Run 400m/500m row 20 Pull-ups 15 […]

Last Week of the Christmas TOY DRIVE!

This is the time of year when we start thinking about holiday decorating, cooking, and shopping. As you think about your needs and wants, don’t forget that it is much more rewarding to GIVE than to receive. As a gym we are joining forces with Team Dangerous, a charitable fitness minded organization, to provide toys […]

Tis the Season to GIVE!

This is the time of year when we start thinking about holiday decorating, cooking, and shopping. As you think about your needs and wants, don’t forget that it is much more rewarding to GIVE than to receive. As a gym we are joining forces with Team Dangerous, a charitable fitness minded organization, to provide toys […]

Extending our GRATITUDE!!!!

Today is Day 1 of our Annual Southie Showdown and aside from the amazing athletes, volunteers, and judges, we would like to extend a HUGE thank you to our sponsors this year! BIG shout out to our biggest contributors: Gameplan and Paleo Power Meals for fueling up both the athletes and volunteers with supplements and […]


Do you stay up to date with your social media?!? Just a friendly reminder to hashtag those pics from the showdown this weekend! We’d love to be able to share your southie showdown experience with everyone! Please use #southieshowdown2014 Look forward to seeing some of the awesome photos!    


All levels classes at 9am,10am, 11am and noon  in Southie Green.  The gym will close promptly at 1pm today. “Successful people aren’t born that way. They become successful by establishing the habit of doing things unsuccessful people don’t like to do. The successful people don’t always like these things themselves; they just get on and […]