NIkita is heading back to Russia. The Russain Oly classes, which were additional to CFS membership, will be cancelled for the time being.
A New Year and a new beginning are here! Who doesn’t love a fresh start?! Now that the holidays have come and gone we want to help you tighten up the reins on your eating habits by committing to 21 days of no sugar! 21 days, three short weeks, not even a month- you know you can do it! Push yourself a little outside your comfort zone to commit to something that will leave you feeling amazing after all the holiday gluttony consisting of Christmas dinner parties, holiday cookies, and cocktails galore.
Removing sugar from the diet isn’t just avoiding white table sugar- I’m talking about all types, shapes and forms… The consumption of sugar causes imbalances in your blood sugar which in turn causes your body to store sugar as fat instead of using it for energy. Removing sugar from your diet is the one of the quickest ways to not only lose fat but also increase energy. Most of the foods we consume on a regular basis contain sugar in one form or another. Sugar is sneaky and hides behind other names that you might not be familiar with! Here are some other forms that you might have forgotten about: evaporated cane juice, sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, fructose, sucralose, carob sugar, dextrose, glucose, lactose, maltodextrin, raw cane sugar, turbinado sugar, molasses, fruit juice, agave nectar, honey, maple syrup, artificial sweeteners, bread and the list goes on.
Anytime you drastically alter the diet, you should anticipate experiencing both positive and negative side effects. Some commonly reported negative side effects experienced during the sugar detox may include but are not limited to: headaches, bloating, constipation, feeling lethargic, irritability, skin breakouts, and flu-like symptoms. The positive changes commonly experienced both during and after the cleanse far outweigh the negatives. Some positive effects experienced may be loss of sugar cravings, fat loss, clearer skin, more consistent energy, elevated mood, lower cholesterol, better sleep, and an increased sense of taste.
Want in? Here’s how the program works:
1. Sign up to participate in the 21 Day No Sugar Challenge here.
2. Prep your home by eliminating any foods that might cause you to deviate from your three week plan. Stock your cabinets and refrigerator with plenty of healthy snacks and foods. Be sure to read labels to look for those sneaky terms disguising SUGAR.
3. Mentally prepare. Have a plan (Prepare your meals beforehand, have only healthy snacks around, use a meal service at the gym, etc..). Have a backup plan. . Can’t stress enough how important it is to have a plan to successfully complete the 21 days.
4. Stop by the front desk on Friday, January 16th or Saturday, January 17th to weigh-in and get your pre challenge pic. Use this opportunity to drop off your $15 donation towards the Charlie for ALL Foundation.
Charlee is a beautiful three year old little girl who is courageously battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with her amazingly strong parents by her side. Please join us in supporting the Casale family on this journey, by participating in this challenge. All monies collected will go towards Charlee’s treatments which call for at least a 32 day inpatient course of chemotherapy followed by 2 years of outpatient chemotherapy. It is truly every parent’s nightmare. When word of Charlee’s diagnosis got out, the Casale’s friends and family were determined to help in any way they could, thus the Charlee for ALL Foundation was started.
Our mission is to help alleviate the financial burdens that invariably arise from this type of situation. We will help to make sure the Casale family can focus solely on getting Charlee well. If you would like to donate in addition to the challenge buy-in please click here.
Basically the premise of this challenge is to learn to eat wholesome foods from the earth. Strip your diet of processed crap and sneaky forms of sugar and substitute it with a healthy alternative. Not sure where to begin? Here is a list of foods to include in your diet: Grass fed hormone free beef and chicken, eggs, wild fish, fresh seafood, local and organic fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, healthy fats from olive oil, avocado, coconut oil, etc.
List of foods to avoid: sugar, anything including high fructose corn syrup, agave syrup, maple syrup, honey, any sort of bread, fruit juices, dried fruits, raw organic cane juice/sugar, coconut sugar, etc,
Pretty much, if you think it’s questionable, it probably is. The only natural form of sugar that we are allowing on this 21 day cleanse is fresh fruit- and only in limited amounts. Remember that fruit does contain natural sugar so we want to limit our consumption. No more than one piece of fruit per day outside of workout times. An additional, immediate post work out fruit is allowed.
The challenge will officially start on Monday, January 18th.Remember we are doing this together as a group so the goal is to get through the 21 days consecutively without having to start over. Stop thinking about it and just commit. Push yourself to do something outside of your normal habits and routine. Rid your body of those unhealthy sugar cravings!
Overhead Squat
30s work:30s rest
4 Rounds at each station for max reps then rotate:
1. Box Jumps
2. Pull-ups
3. Wallballs
4. Ring Dips
Conditioning Class: WOD
:30 on, :30 off for 20 Minutes
Max Calories on Airdyne
Conditioning Class: Core
3 Rounds
:30 on, :15 off
AbMat Sit ups
Russian Twists with Medball
Knee Tucks on Medball