Laura is someone who can just about do it all. She pushes herself and achieves great feats, yet in the same breath is never hesitant to scale movements when she knows it will help in the long run. Everyone who works with her on the platform seems to PR, her encouragement and ability to instill confidence in other athletes is only one of the reasons she deserves to be recognized. Good work Laura, keep being who you are!
Open WOD 14.3
14 Minute AMRAP
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots (20,14) (10ft,9ft)
30 cleans (135,95)
20 muscle-ups
Level 2- (115,75), sub 20 strict pull-ups/20 Ring Dips for Muups
Level 1- (95,45), 50-40-30-20-10, 10 pull-ups/10 ring dips
Scores/Comments from Open WOD 14.4 on 3/21/14
Conditioning Class: WOD
6 Rounds
1 min max calories on Airdyne
1 min max burpees
Rest 1 minute
Conditioning Class: Core
Hollow Rocks