March Boot Camp Starts Next Week!


March Bootcamp!
Mondays & Wednesdays, 6:30AM – 7:30AM
Special Rate: $99/month!

Having trouble staying motivated through these cold winter months?!! We’ve got you covered with our March Boot Camp & Conditioning Classes. Just two hours out of your whole week can and will make a big difference in your health and wellness! This program is great for weight loss, extra conditioning training, or as a ramp-up for our general CrossFit program!

Monday classes will focus on conditioning and endurance, with a heavy focus on interval training. We will run, row, bike, ski erg, jump rope, etc. Wednesday classes will still focus on conditioning, but will incorporate dumbbells, kettlebells, bodyweight exercises and more. There will be no barbells or high-skill gymnastics.

For more information or to sign up, click HERE!

2 Minutes Max Cal Bike
Rest :30 Seconds
2 Minutes Max Jump Rope
Rest :30 Seconds
2 Minute Side Plank (Switch sides halfway)

3 Rounds
10 Cuban Press – click for demo
10 Banded Double External Rotation – click for demo
10 Bandy Pull Aparts

4 Rounds
In 5 minutes Complete:
25/20 Calorie Bike
50 Double Unders
15 Toes to Bar

Rest 2 Minutes

Level 2- 20,15 Calorie Bike, 25 Double Unders
Level 1- 15/12 Calorie Bike, 10 Toes to Bar, 100 Singles

Extra Work
3 Rounds
100ft front Rack Walking lunges
3 Rope Climbs
50ft HS Walk

Rest 2 minutes between Rounds

1st round (75/55), 2nd Round (95/65), 3rd rd (115/80)

-Scale HSWalk to 25ft as necessary