You vs. Barbell

Dave hitting his mark
Dave hitting his mark

We are switching it up this week and doing the Open WOD competiton style on Saturday from 8-10am. We are still planning on having the 13.4 as the WOD on Thursday, but we will not be retesting on Sunday. Registration will close on Friday at 5pm. To sign up please click here.

Guys, get excited! We’ve got some extra “homework” on the WOD board in southie green by the front desk for those of you who like to take advantage of open gym hours. There are endurance wods, partner workouts, and even some extra core work to get that tummy bikini season ready! Come check it out, maybe even grab a partner to get after it with you!photo(5)

Clean and Jerk

10 minute AMRAP
5 Hang Power Cleans (135,95)
5 Squat Cleans
5 Front Squats

Level 2 (115,75)
Level 1 (75, 45)

100 sit-ups