In House Throwdown Thank You and Last chance to sign up for Lake Winni – CFS


Lake Winni sign up deadline Friday June 16th by 8pm. Sign-up sheet is at the front desk or you can email Boyson direct at [email protected]. Friends of friends are welcome. Min of 10 people required to make the event happen. $250/per person lodging only Thur-Sun June 22nd – June 25th. Come up anytime between those dates. Saddens me to say this but no pets due allergenic response in the family. Live free or die! Viva!


Thank You!
We wanted to send out a much overdue THANK YOU to everyone who competed in, spectated at and helped out at the In-House Throwdown last weekend! This is always one of our favorite events of the year, and this year was no different. It’s always great to see newbie competitors pairing up with seasoned veterans, or morning athletes meeting members of the night crew. It’s an awesome community day, and the fun workouts are just a bonus! We want to give a few special shout outs a few who went above and beyond to make this day possible…

A big shout out to the one and only Jeff Sullivan for being our right-hand man all day! Whether it be making sure the dunk tank was clean, swapping out equipment, calling for a beer delivery, or taking out the trash, Sully is always there to help. We couldn’t do it without him! Thank, Sul!

Thank you to Joe Shamon for manning the scoring desk all day! It’s not always fun to have you head in a spreadsheet all day, but he stepped up to the plate. He’s heading off in the next few weeks and moving to Atlanta, GA so make sure you say goodbye (and thank you!) the next time you see him at the box. We’ll miss you, Sham! You can check out the final standings from the event HERE.

Another big thank you to Amy’s dad, Mr. Ferro, for manning the grill for the sixth year in a row and making sure everyone was fed. It’s no easy job to feed 100+ hungry CrossFitters, especially on a super hot day.. but he shows up each year and crushes it. Thank you so much, Mr. Ferro!

And again, thanks to all of YOU for showing up, participating, and helping clean up at the end. We already can’t wait for the next one! Also, big congratulations to everyone who competed, especially those who ended up on the podium. Great work by all!

Sports and Wellness Appointments with Dr. Fernandez THIS Saturday!
Due to popular demand, Dr. Fernandez will be back THIS Saturday and is still booking appointments! Dr. Fernandez works on Chris and I and helps us recover better through tissue work and adjustments. He has helped me significantly after having Chase to get my body functioning properly again. Dr. Fernandez is taking appointments for this Saturday, June 17th. Right now he is still wide open! Dr. Fernandez is an Internationally Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician and a member of the International Federation of Chiropractic Sports Physicians.

Rates and treatments are below. His adjustments include soft tissue work, which is my favorite part. Sign up HERE to try him out!

Death by Burpee Pull Up on the 30 second
In the first :30 interval, perform 1 burpee pull up
In the second :30 interval, per-form 2 burpee pull ups
Complete in this manner until you cannot complete the prescribed reps in the 30 second window.

*Once you fail, subtract one rep from where you got knocked out and continue trying to hold that number for 8 total rounds.

3 x 50ft Handstand Walk
3 x 5 Wallclimb
– Between sets complete 20 hollow rocks. Try to maintain hollow body position

1. Strict Press
2. Push-press

Clean and Jerk (115,75)
Burpee Pull-up

Level 2 (95,65)
Level 1 (75,45), 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, Burpee Knees to Chest
ADV- 135,95

*Coaches Tip: Choose a weight where you can do the first 10 clean & jerks without putting the barbell down.