Fall Nutrition Challenge Details!


Nutrition Challenge Fall 2021
It’s been a heck of a summer:) Restaurants and bars reopened, families reunited, and we may have let the reins a little loose in the eating/ drinking department. Totally understandable though considering the past year or so (pandemic, masks, isolation, etc)! It’s time we have some grace with ourselves and accept how fun the summer was, but also acknowledge that living with a ‘what the heck’ mentality when it comes to food and drink isn’t necessarily the healthiest/ best for us athletically.

To make sustainable changes in shifting to a healthier balanced lifestyle, this nutrition challenge will focus on habits that will make eating well manageable! The key here is sustainability.

This challenge addresses the primary problems many of us face on a daily basis:
1. Not knowing how much to eat (either undereating or overeating)
2. Not preparing or not knowing how to prepare (therefore making it harder during the week to stick to our goals)
3. Choosing lower quality foods more often than higher quality foods
4. Difficulty getting in enough daily movement and fitness
5. Ignoring physical recovery entirely and focusing solely on work, home, and the gym

Each of these aspects will have points allocated to them purely as an accountability system – there will be a buy-in at the beginning of the challenge to provide each individual a literal and figurative investment into this challenge:)

Keep in mind: the points are a form of accountability – those that truly stick to the challenge will achieve the best results!

Important Dates & Details
Benchmark Testing: Friday October 8th
Pre-Challenge Weigh-Ins: October 6th – October 13th
Challenge Begins: Monday, October 11
Benchmark Retesting: Week of November 15th
Post-Challenge Weigh-Ins: Week of November 15th
Challenge Ends: November 19th
Buy-In: $20 – all money collected goes back to the winners!

For more information on the specifics of this challenge follow THIS LINK!

Indoor/ Outdoor
Please do not park in the lot

400M Run

1 Round
1 Min Work|15s Rest*
-Burpee DB Deadlift*
-Single Leg Touch Down’s
-DB High Pulls
-DB Pull Throughs in plank position
-Single Arm Arnold’s Press

*Switch sides at the 30s Mark

-10 of each – I’s, Y’s, T’s, W’s


10 Weighted Step Ups
5 Box Jumps with a step down
5 BBJ’s

Shoulder Rolling
Shoulder Stretching

Strict Press
5 Reps +20s Overhead Hold after Final Rep

WOD (15 Minute Cap)
30 Alt Single Arm Snatches 50|35
30 Burpee Box Jumps
60 Sit-ups
30 Weighted Step-ups
30 Single Arm Devil’s Press

Level 2- 40|25
Level 1- 30|15
ADV – 70|50

Extra Work
Cal Row

*can sub GHD

Short on time|Scaled – 10-20-30-20-10