Sports Wellness Today!
Dr. Miguel will be here today (Saturday) and still has available appointments! If you need an adjustment or have a nagging injury you want looked at, Dr. Miguel is your man. Click HERE to see rates and book an appointment!
We Still Need Judges on SUNDAY 11/12!
We’re getting closer to our judging goal, but still need your help! We could always use help on both days, but we really need some extra help on Sunday, November 12th. Judging responsibilities will be wrapped up by 1:45pm. Grab a buddy and sign up – We appreciate your help!
Not ready to judge? We need volunteers!
If you’re not quite comfortable judging yet, we could still use your help! We need help with various tasks all weekend long – from manning the merch tent to swapping out equipment, to everything in between. If you’d like to help out, CLICK HERE to see available jobs and sign up!
Southie Spotlight!
It’s Spotlight Time!! Member achievements are a big deal and we love celebrating your hard work. Don’t forget your highlights get posted on Instagram each and every Friday! Scroll down to see your October Member Achievements, The “Team Series” leader board and The “Southie Side Piece” for October which was “Fat Bar Grace”! If you or someone you know got a PR in the month of October and we missed it please let us know!! Keep up the great work everyone!
1. 250/200m Row
3. 12 Medball Thrusters
2. 12 Medball Step Ups
Alternating Tabata
Hollow Rocks
Supermans or Superman Rocks
3 Rounds
1000m Row
30 Wallballs
15 Deadlifts (275,185)
15 Box Jumps (30,24)
-60/50 Calorie on the bike sub
– 1000m ski erg sub
Level 3- (225,155) (27/24)
Level 2 – (185,125) (24/20)
Level 1 – (135,95) (24/20)