Walk It Like I Talk It

In It Together

3 Minutes Max Cals on Bike/Ski/Air Runner

Then 2 Rounds
50’ Walking Lunge with Medball Overhead
10 Push Ups w/ Feet on Medball*
*Scale to regular push ups as needed

Front Rack Lunge
5 x 10 Alt. Lunges (in place or walking)

50/40 Calorie Bike
Then 3 Rounds
20 Wallballs (20/14)
20 Push-ups

Level 2- 75,55
Level 1- 65,35
ADV- Ring Push-ups

Endurance Wod – Sebastian is away, there will be no coach led endurance class today. Feel free to come on in and complete the Endurance WOD on your own.  Coached class will resume next week.
5 Rounds
250m/200m Row
50 Double Unders

Rest 60 Sec between Rounds

Rest 4 Minutes

5 Rounds
Bike Cals
(Pick the pair of reps and still with it for each round. 10/10, 12/12 or 14/14)

Rest 60 Sec between Rounds

Weekly Strength/Benchmark Schedule – Click Here

At Home WOD
5 Rounds
3 Wall Climbs or 10 Hand Release Push Ups
6 Jack Knives
12 Plank Ups
24 Russian Twists