Member of the Month – Aaron Kraus – CFS

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Please join us in congratulating our newest member of the month… Aaron Kraus! I can vividly remember Aaron’s fist visit to CrossFit Southie. He said he had just moved to Boston and was looking for a new gym. Within an minute, he knew everyone’s name, was throwing up high fives left and right, and cheering everybody on… while completing his own workout. The energy and positive attitude hasn’t stopped since! We can always count on him to bring his encouraging attitude and excitement – whether it’s during the Open, the throwdown, or just an average 5:30AM class. On top of all of that, Aaron is a great athlete who is extremely coachable. It’s a pleasure to have him in class each morning, and we are lucky to have him as a part of our community. Congratulations, Aaron!

How did you get involved in CrossFit? What was your first WOD/experience?
I played football in college, so when I was in graduate school in Ohio I was recycling my strength and conditioning program, doing a fair amount of running, and rehabbing after having both my shoulders reconstructed. I wanted more variation and someone else to do programming for me. I’m a competitive and data driven person, so a friend recommended CrossFit and I’ve been hooked ever since.shea clean cheer 2

When did you start coming to CrossFit Southie?
I moved to Boston in January 2015 and tried out a few gyms in the area to learn the coaches, programming, and community. It only took one visit to decide that Southie would be my new home. It’s one of the best choices I’ve made since coming to Boston.

Is this the first CrossFit you’ve worked out at / how long have you been CrossFitting for?
I started in January 2013 at CrossFit Cadre in Hudson Ohio. I did the L1 Cert in January 2014 and coached at Cadre for a year before moving here, so just over three years now all in.

When did you realize that CrossFit was right for you?
I’m not sure if there was one moment, but I love how CrossFit can be universally scaled, measured to track progress overtime, and focused on functional fitness. I also can’t say enough about the community. I’ve made some of my best friends through CrossFit and learned many skills that transfer into the workplace and life (e.g. humility, grit, learning orientation, supportiveness).

What are your short-term and long-term CrossFit goals?
Short term is to get my shoulder fully healed and back to being comfortable in the overhead position after having another setback last winter. Long term is to contribute a score to the Southie team in the 2017 Open and help the team make it back to regionals for the 8th straight year.

MOM photo shoot_What is your biggest accomplishment?
I found coaching very rewarding. It’s really cool when one cue fixes an entire movement pattern for an athlete. As most people know after this Open season, I get really jacked up seeing athletes hit goals or PRs so I take pride in the accomplishments of our collective community.

What is your favorite / least favorite WOD/movement?
Grace and Isabel are usually pretty good workouts for me. Given my shoulder injuries, I find overhead squats to be a frustrating movement.

What do you do for a profession outside of CrossFit?
I’m an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist. The term Psychologist is misleading though as I don’t do anything with counseling. I/O Psychologists use the scientific method to solve the most pressing problems facing organizations, which usually have to do with people. For example, I’m responsible for Selection and Assessment at Liberty Mutual where our team creates the systems, tools, and processes used to measure people’s capability and performance in the organization and potential during the pre-hire process. If you’ve ever taken a test as part of a job application, you can thank an I/O Psychologist for that.

What are your hobbies outside of CrossFit?
Once I finish my dissertation and PhD this winter, then I’ll be allowed to have hobbies again. For now, I spend all my time working, working out, and writing. I have trouble sitting still for too long, so I do travel a fair amount too.

Fun fact?
I’m an ordained minister (certified through the church of the internet) and officiated two weddings last year.
Squat Snatch
-Between sets complete Scapula rolling and chest stretching

Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes
3 Power snatches (115,75)
6 Box Jump Overs
6 Wallballs

Level 2- (95,65) 3-5-5
Level 1- (75,35) 3-4-4
ADV- (135,95), 3-6-9

Penalty: For every missed round, run 1 loop.

– Coaches Tip –
You should have at least 10-15 seconds of rest after the first round.

Conditioning Class: WOD
Parking Lot Suicide Sprint x 8
Rest :45 seconds between attempts

Conditioning Class: Midline
3 Rounds
10 Bandy Good mornings
10 Bandy Side steps each way
1 minute plank hold