2016 CFS In-House Oly Meet!
You’ve all been working very hard to get stronger and more proficient at the Olympic lifts… so now it’s time to test yourself at the CrossFit Southie In-House Oly Meet! While this is not an official USAW-sanctioned event, it is an opportunity for you to test yourself in a new way. Unlike many CrossFit competitions where the events are unknown, an oly meet will always be the same: 3 attempts at a max snatch and 3 attempts at a max clean and jerk. We’ll be following IWF standards for the competition, so that means no “ugly” lifts”: no press outs, no dropping to a knee, etc.
Unlike most oly meets, you won’t compete in a weight class, though you will still have to weigh in. Your totals (best snatch + best clean & jerk) will be scored according to the Sinclair Coefficient – a method used in the weightlifting world to equalize totals across weight classes. Essentially, it removes the advantage for larger lifters over the little guys. You’ll all compete on an equal playing field and the best Sinclair Total wins! Get those singlets ready!
We hope to see many of you here for some friendly competition. If you need some extra prep, just a reminder that Oly class happens every Wednesday night at 7pm and Saturday afternoon at 1pm. Join us!
CrossFit Southie In-House Olympic Weightlifting Meet
When: Saturday, March 5th, 1pm
Where: Southie Green
Click here to sign up to compete or help out!
Work Up to a Max load for the complex:
1 Power Clean
1 Hang Squat Clean
1 Jerk
Level 1- 1 Power clean, 1 Front Squat, 1 Jerk
1500m Row
50 Burpees
30 Hang Power Cleans (165,115)
Level 3 – 135, 95
Level 2 – 95, 65
Level 1 – 75, 45
Conditioning Class: WOD
Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes
Indoor Shuttle Sprint (Set up 5 cones, 10’ apart)
Conditioning Class: Core
3 Rounds
10 Bandy Side Steps in each direction
10 Good Mornings
10 GHD Sit Ups