Time Is Of The Essence

Daniyel - Weighted Box Jump
Daniyel – Weighted Box Jump

Hey Paleo Challengers. How is it going? I just wanted to make a clarification about doing mobility for points. To earn an extra 2 points add in 20+ minutes of rolling, stretching, yoga, or even massage. This is NOT  exclusively for rest days, this can be everyday. BUT it must be outside of your class time, this must be extra work that you consciously do on your own for your body maintenance. Make sure you take advantage of our mobility classes on Monday and Wednesday nights at 7pm. We are also starting yoga back up this weekend. SUNDAY AT 10AM. Yoga and Mobility Class are included with all memberships. More on Yoga tomorrow!!

Butts and Guts
50 Hollow Rocks
50 Supermans
25 Jack Knives
25 Bridges (if too easy try single leg)

Row 1000m
40 Wallballs
Rest 3 minutes
Row 750m
30 wallballs
Rest 2 Minutes
Row 500m
20 Wallballs
Rest 1 minute
Row 250
10 wallballs

L1 – cut the WallBalls in half

Ca$h Out
Weighted sit-up