Thursday Couplet


Warm Up
1 min on 15s off
-Row (legs only)
-Plank Ups*
-Row – (lean and arms only)
-Rower Dips**
-Row – (everything)
-Hand release push ups

Use a mini band above the elbows for all non row exercises.

*adv – feet on the rower slide
**hands on the slide of the rower

Chest Rolling
Banded Chest stretch


1000m Row
60 Push-ups

Rest 2 Minutes

1000m Row
40 Ring Dips

Rest 2 Minutes

1000m row
20 Strict Handstand Push-ups

Level 3- Kipping HSPU
Level 2 – 750m Row 40-25-15
Level 1 – 500m Row 30-20-10 Reps
ADV – Muscle-up to Rings
4|2 inch Deficit

Extra Work – Active Recovery
30 Minute AMRAP
Bike 1000m
Ski 500m
Run 400m