Tummy Tabata & Partner WOD – CFS

#TBT - Bellydown Sprints
#TBT – Bellydown Sprints

Double Tummy Tabata
1. Hollow Rocks/Plank Hold
2. Bicycle Abs/Sit-ups

100 Calorie Row
80 Kettlebell Swings (1.5pd, 1pd)
60 Burpee pull-ups
400m KB Carry as a team- one person must carry the kb at all times
60 Burpee pull-ups
80 Kettlebell Swings
100 Calorie Row

Partition the reps during the partnership as you choose

Level 2- (1,0.75) 80-60-40-400
Level 1- (0.75,0.5) 60-40-30-400

Conditioning Class: WOD
100 Calories for Time on Assault Bike
EMOM complete 5 burpees. Workout starts with burpees.

*Scale back number of burpees if necessary.

Conditioning Class: Core
2 Rounds
:30 on, :10 off
Sit ups
Flutter Kicks
Russian Twists
Hollow Rocks