Take it for a Test Drive


*There will be no rowing seminar this Saturday but will pick back up on the 26th and will continue up until the last class on the 2nd of January.  REGISTRATION FOR C.R.A.S.H. B’s (held on February 17, 2013) ENDS AT MIDNIGHT!!! Register ASAP if you are planning on doing this event! Here’s the link *

This concept is not new but is a great tool to best prepare athletes to perform the task at hand. I quickly adopted the strategy after hearing coach Chuck repeated tell his athletes to “try the weight you’ve chosen…take it for a test drive!” But this concept does not strictly apply to weight lifting movements, it can be applied to EVERYTHING we do here at Crossfit Southie.  For example, you’ve just finished front squats on the platforms and you’re going to set up your area for a WOD including wall balls and toes to bar start by taking a look at the workout, the number of reps/rounds/weights that need to be addressed. Take your wall ball for a test drive…try a few out. Hold the bottom of the squat, jump the ball to the target. How’d it feel?! Was it too easy? (increase the weight) Was it hitting the target?(step closer)  Make the adjustments with just a few quality reps. Next the toes to bar, kip feels tight (stretch shoulders quickly), can only effectively touch my knees to my elbows (that’s ok, modify to those). At this point you’ve tried each movement with the weights and modifications that seem to be perfectly challenging. You should use the “take it for a test drive” approach with every movement and every workout. Don’t just stand there then wait for the 1st round to realize the weight is too heavy or you forget what a squat snatch is. Instead try it out beforehand, make the adjustments and then crush it!

High Bar Back Squat

4 Rounds
200m Sprint
5 Squat Cleans (135,95)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest Exactly 1 minute

Score= Total time including rest

Level 2 (115,80)
Level 1 (95,65)