Split, Ya Jerk!

Upside down. Right side up.
Upside down. Right side up.

*There will be no Yoga class this Sunday.  We will only be running one box (Southie Green) on Marathon Monday.  The box will open up at 530am for early toasties and those wanting to hit the class WOD first thing in the am.  There will be formal class at 6am and 7am.  There will be no 530, 630,730am.  The rest of the day from 9am on will run as normally scheduled.*

Where’d my Toes to Bar go?!? That is the question you ask yourself in a workout just like this. So fresh and so clean during the practice session, pretty solid during the first round then BOOM, gone. This muscular endurance demand also applies to the knees to elbows, knees to chest, etc. The only way to get better is to drop off the bar, take a little bit longer break to let those batteries recharge then hop back up there for another couple of reps. Pick the highest landmark you can achieve (bar, elbows, triceps, chest) and fight for every rep to touch that spot each time, don’t be satisfied with anything less. If you want to get better its the only way to improve. If at some point you physically cannot repeat the movement you started with, then scale down to the next hardest option and stay there but only as a last resort!

Split Jerk

3 Rounds
7 Push-Jerks
14 Toes 2 Bar
21 WallBalls

L3- (135,95)
L2 – (115, 75)
L1 – (85,45)
ADV – (155,105)