Southie Ski Weekend!

Danny V

Normal Schedule Today

2017 CFS White Mountain Take Over!

The fall weekend was such a success we decided to plan a follow up trip to Killington, VT for a ski weekend! We rented a 5,000 square foot house for 3 nights, February 1st-4th (Thursday-Sunday). The house has a hot tub, pool table, and is walking distance to Killington’s night life. Families and non-skiers are welcome too. The cost for the weekend is $250/person. To reserve a spot click HERE.  It’s going to be a blast! Don’t miss out!

2 minutes max double unders or double under attempts

2 rounds
7 RA Presses
50ft Lunge with OH lockout
7 LA PResses
50 ft Lunge with OH LOckout
-Complete 10 bandy pull-aparts between sets

Back Squat

Open WOD 14.1
10 Minute AMRAP
30 Double-unders
15 Power Snatches (75,55)

Level 2 (65,45)
Level 1 (55,35)

Extra Work
10:00 AMRAP
20 Wall Ball (30/20) to 11′ Target
10 Strict Pull Ups