Sled Push
DB Snatch
Teams of 3- Stadium Style (Everyone works at once)
4 Rounds
16 Pull-ups
14 Alternating DB Snatches (50,35)
200m Run
Once the 4 Rounds is complete jog as a team out to the sleds carrying the plates needed for the sled push.
Then, (8) 50m sled pushes each (45,25)
Once complete run the long way back into the gym carrying your plate (s).
Level 2 (35,25), 12 Pull-ups
Level 1 (20,15) 10 Pull-ups
ADV (60,45) Chest to Bar
Strongman Class
EMOM until complete
Odd – Max Calories on Rower
Even Minutes – 1 Keg Ground to Overhead (as heavy as possible)
*Continue until you reach 250 Calories on Rower
L2 – 200 Calories
L1 – 150 Calories
**This workout has a 20 minute cap. Scale the number of calories appropriately to be able to finish in under 20 minutes.
WOD Credit: