*We are hosting a Level 1 CrossFit certification this weekend so there will not be any classes at the gym. However, in anticiaption of beautiful weather, we will be running outdoor workouts on Saturday and Sunday morning. Meet at Mokley park on Saturday and Sunday, hours to follow, and bring a friend, non-CrossFit Southie members are welcome to come. If you have yet to come to an outdoor WOD, you don’t want to miss out. Fitness extends beyond the walls of the box! If you are unable to make it for your designated classes for the week, due to the schedule changes, feel free to make them up next week.*
Saturday is the much anticipated Pub Crawl! Come celebrate with the CFS competitors now that we are home and the Games season is behind us. This is a great opportunity to get to know fellow members, newbies are very much encouraged to join. Here is what is on deck for Saturday:
1. Tias 2:00-3:30
2. The Landing 3:30
3. Wild Rover (used to be Trinity)/Hong Kong 4:30
4. Scholar’s 5:30
5. The Times 6:30
6. Atlantic Beer Garden Roof Deck 7:30
Click here to see a map of the route!
Tias will be our meeting destination and then we will continue on from there!
Box Jumps (24,20)
Wallballs (20,14)
ADV- 5 HSPUs between rounds