Reduced All Levels Classes All Day in Southie Green Only


Presidents Day Schedule Update

With the pending snow storm and considering it is a holiday, we are also cancelling the 6 and 7am classes.
All Levels classes in Southie Green only at 530, 630, 9,11,12 4,5,6 & 7pm.  Bootcamp at 630am.  No classes will be held in Southie Orange.

In-Body Scan Returns – Saturday, February 23rd
Are you looking to get a quick, accurate and affordable body fat reading? Want to measure your nutrition challenge results the best way possible? We are excited to have our friends from Mountain Strength CrossFit bringing the InBody 270 to CrossFit Southie on Saturday, February 23rd! This is open to EVERYONE, not just nutrition challenge participants.

You must book and pay for your appointment ahead of time. Schedule early to make sure you get the time you want! The cost of the scan is $25 and will give you lots of great information on your body composition. Other scans of this level require you to get in a bathing suit and get dunked in water or go to a medical facility to be scanned (and can be almost 3x the price!). This is a great option to get an accurate scan with clothes on, not wet, and get a super value!

Click here to schedule your appointment!
Note: It is best to have the scan done BEFORE working out, and ~2 hours after eating or drinking. Try to schedule accordingly! Scheduling and payment is done directly through MSCF. CFS coaches will be unable to change your appointment slots or issue refunds. Please be sure to sign up for a time that you’re sure you can attend and be on time for!

Partner Up!
1:00 on/:20 off
P1- Bike or Row
P2- Barbell Rollouts
P1- Bike or Row
P2- Barbell Windshield Wipers
P1- Bike or Row
P2- Barbell Overhead Hold

1. Push-press
2. Push jerk

Partner WOD
100 Calorie Bike
100 Power Cleans (155,105)

-One partner works at a time

Level 3- 135,95
Level 2- 115,75
Level 1- 95,45
ADV- 185,120

Row sub- 120 Calories

Extra Work
2 Rounds
Bench Press 185/115
Deadlift 275/185

Rest 5 minutes between rounds

Boot Camp 6:30AM in Southie Green
5 Minutes of Rowing
4 Minutes of Biking
3 Minutes of Running x distance/AR for Bootcamp
2 Minutes of Double Unders
1 Minute of Burpees

Rest 3 Minutes

1 Minute of Burpees
2 Minutes of Double Unders
3 Minutes of Running x distance
4 Minutes of Biking
5 Minutes of Rowing

*Set a running clock for 15 minutes with a 3 minute rest period. Write transition times on the board