If you are competitng and you have not signed up yet you need to do so by 5pm today!!!
There will be no yoga classes this weekend due to Sectionals and the St. Pattys day parade on Sunday.
Please remember to sign up if you will be participating in Murph on Sunday. Murph is: 1 mile run, then 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, then finishes with a 1 mile run. The volume of the WOD can be scaled easily. Following Murph we will be hosting Kegs and Eggs at our apartent on West Broadway. Parking in Southie on parade day is impossible to come by, so we will all be walking from CFS to our apartment. We ask that you contribute $5 if you are just eating, or $10 if you are eating and drinking. We would love for those of you who enjoy cooking to bring a dish. If you bring a dish or contribute alcohol you do not need to pay. It is going to be a blast! Don’t miss out.
Clean and Jerk
5 Rounds
10 Toes to bar
50 Double Unders
**For those of you who are still working on your double unders, substitute 25 double unders for the 50, or 10 attempts for those who are new. No singles!**