Jason is a CFS OG. His attention to detail and affinity for acquiring new skills is unmatched. Jason is a not only an influential member of our CrossFit community but positive role model to those in the local community as well. Jason can be found in any class on any day doing anything. He is a true “down for whatever, where ever fitness fun” type of athlete. Lastly, you are not a TRUE CFSouthie member until Jason has brought you through his stretching routine. Speak up next time you see him, you won’t regret it!
Important Parking Message!
We understand that with limited street parking and spaces in the lot due to the snow, parking can be tough at the box. However, we need to be considerate of our neighbors. The lot next to Southie Orange is NOT our lot; it belongs to Pier Transmission. There is not enough room in their lot to accommodate snow, their daily business, AND our cars. Going forward, any cars parked in the Pier Transmission lot will be TOWED with no warning, even early in the morning. Parking is available in our lot, on the street, or in front of Hilti after 5pm. We thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Have you signed up for the CrossFit Open? We will be completing the workout sin classes on Fridays each week starting the last week of February for 5 weeks. There is even a scaled division this year so there is no excuse not to. Take the next step in your training, hold yourself accountable, register here.
Day 11 of the Nutritional Challenge please log HERE.
Open WOD 14.5 (20 Minute HARD CAP)
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Thrusters (95,65)
Bar Facing Burpees
Level 2 (75,55) 18-15-12-9-6-3
Level 1 (55,35) 15-12-9-6-3
This workout will hold a 20 minute HARD Cap. No matter where you are in the workout you must stop when the buzzer hits. You can always chose a lesser scaling option if you feel as if you may not finish under the cap.
Scores/Comments from Open WOD 14.5 on 4/28/14
Tabata Plank Hold
Conditioning Class: WOD
Every 3 minutes for 21 minutes complete:
400m Row
50 Double Unders
*Scale double unders as necessary
Conditioning Class: Core
3 Rounds
10 Hug a Twinky
10 GHD sit ups
10 Back Extensions
*Scale reps up or down as necessary.