ST. PATRICKS DAY is right around the corner – wooooohooooo! We our hosting our 3rd Annual Murph WOD starting at 8am. For those of you that want to redo the Open WOD 13.3 that is an option as well. Immediately following the the workout(s) we will be having mimosas, some tequila, and a paleo potluck! After we have a few beverages we will make our way up to the parade route. If you drive here you can leave your cars here. To sign up for the WOD(s) and/or Potluck click here.
Also one of our wonderful members Ildi, has offered to do some kinesiotaping this Saturday, March 16th from 12-1pm if anyone is interested in trying it out. This week’s focus will be on the shoulder(s). To view Ildi’s website please visit:
All right Whole 30 cats. We are so very close. 2 more days and we are done. Weigh-ins will be this Saturday and final results for your goals should be recorded and submitted. I will be taking measurements from 9-11 and Tina-mo will be available from 1-4.
I have made it 28 days without cheating. I stopped logging around day 15. Basically, I kept telling myself “I will log it tomorrow” and by the time I sat down to do it I was 7 days out and couldn’t remember what I had exactly. Bad, bad, coach. However, as Goose as my witness I have given it a full hearted effort and didn’t make any exceptions.
I guess I came in with a different perspective than most because I have done paleo for a couple of years and I usually the zone diet together with paleo in order to maintain portion control. I usually do this M-F and on the weekends let go a little. Weekends were really tough on the whole 30. It is easy to be really good during the week if you know that you can have a glass of wine on Saturday night, or go out to dinner with some friends. I don’t think I could keep up this strict of regimen for much more than 30 days. Unfortunately all things fun (other than CrossFit) are not whole 30 friendly.
Staying away from fruit wasn’t too bad, it tastes so sweet one bite is enough. What I struggled with was portioning with my sweet potatoes. I could eat them all day long. I guess I shouldn’t say that I was struggling with my portioning because I didn’t try to portion them much because unlike the zone there wasn’t that added pressure with starchy veggies. You would thinking I was fueling for a marathon or something. This is my fault due to my lack of creativity with my meals. I decided to start the whole 30 the week we got back from my honeymoon. I am glad I did it, but over the past month I have been playing catch up here and the gym and have not dedicated much time to cooking. However, I did come up with that super neat-o shake that many of us come to love, crave, and fuel on.
I have officially discovered that coffee is one of my favorite things in life. The Whole 30 did not make me like it or want it less. I was good for the first few days, then I started adding in a half cup, and then a full. I am still consuming probably 1/4 of what I was before, but I will probably start back with my almond milk double shot lattes here and there after we are done. I do feel like my sleep has been better due to the lessened amount of caffeine and that my energy levels are better, but I also find myself sometimes having too much energy and not being able to fall asleep. When I do sleep it is usually deeper with less bathroom trips.
The sugar wasn’t a big deal for me. I usually don’t eat a lot of paleo treats or use honey and agave daily. I do feel a lot leaner, more energetic during WODs, and just as strong if not stronger. If I was superhuman I would keep it up, but I am not and like to drink and have dessert every now and then. If you did not try The Whole 30 this time around it is easy do on your own. It is something you can experiment with for a short 10 day period rather than a full 30 days, or you can make it a lifestyle if it works for you.
If you have done the Whole 30 and are willing to share your experience, please post to comments.
WOD 13.2 – TBA Check here at 8pm for a live demo of the WOD by Annie T and Lindsay Valenzuela.
10 minute AMRAP of:
5 Shoulder to overhead, 115 / 75 lbs
10 Deadlift, 115 / 75 lbs
15 Box jump, 24 / 20 inch
Post WOD Cooldown – DODGEBALL!