Turkey Day Schedule – Gobble, Gobble, Gobble, Gobble……
Monday– Normal Hours
Tuesday– Normal Hours
Wednesday– 5,6,7,8,11, 12,3,4,5pm *close at 6pm*
Thursday– ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DAY WOD- 8am and 9am** Non-coached WOD 7am with Goose
Friday– 9,10,11,12pm (open gym 8-2pm)
Saturday– 8,9,10,11 Open Gym starting at 6:30am, Non-Coached WOD with Goose at 7am
Sunday– Normal Schedule
Warm Up
Partner Up! Grab Some Change Plates
P1- 12|10 Calorie Bike*
P2- Cuban Press
P1- 12|10 Calorie Bike
P2- 90/90 External Rotation
P1- 12|10 Calorie Bike
P2- AMRAP 5 Shoulder Activators + 5 Kip Swings
*Schwinn – 18|15 Cal
Thoracic Rolling
Quad Stretch
Benchmark Strength
Squat Snatch
1. 2 Reps @ 75%
2. 2 Reps @ 80%
3. 2 Reps @ 85%
4. 1 Rep @ 90%
5. 1 Rep @ 95%
6. 1 Rep @ 100%
7. 1 Rep @102%
Benchmark WOD
7 Rounds
10|7 Cal Bike
10 Wall Balls
7 Toes to Bar
Schwinn = 15|10 Cal
Level 2- 8|5 Cal AB, 12|7 Cal Schwinn, 7 Wall Balls
Level 1- 5 rounds, 7|4 Cal AB, 10|6 Cal Schwinn, 7 Wall Balls, 5 Toes to Bar
ADV – 30|20, 12 T2B
Athlete Note – This should be light and fast. Shoot for 1-2 minutes range for each round.
Extra Work
2 Rounds
Bench Press 185|115
-rest 1:1-
Athlete Note – Pick a weight you can do 9 unbroken with. If new to the GHD – Scale to x 1