Monday Madness

Andrew: Current Status – Beast Mode

2 Minutes Max Cals
Assault Bike/Ski Erg
*Sub Row or Air Runner here if necessary

2 Rounds
:30 on/:15 off
1. Kettlebell Lunges
2. Kettlebell Swings
3. Goblet Squats

Midline Madness
2x Through
40s Work: 20s Rest
1. Plank-ups feet on meball
2. Jack Knives w medball
3. Russian Twists
4. Knee Tucks feet on mball

30s work: 15s Rest x6
1. Ski Erg
2. Kettlebell Lunges (2,1.5)
3. Assault Bike
4. Kettlebell Swings
5. Wallballs

Complete 6 Rounds at Each station. Once 6 Rounds are complete Rest 1 Minute and then Rotate.

Score= Total Reps

Level 2- (1.5,1)
Level 1- (1,0.75)

Extra Work
12:00 Ascending Ladder
3 Strict Handstand Push Ups
100’ Farmer’s Carry (2/1.5)
HSPU go up by 3s Farmer’s carry stays the same

ADV- Deficit (4”/2”)
Scaled – Kipping or use and abmat for strict

Conditioning/Bootcamp (6:30 in Southie Green/4:45 in Southie Orange)
Tabata Stations 20s Work:10s Rest x8
Rest 1 Minute after each round

  1. Row
  2. Burpee
  3. Bike
  4. Double Unders
  5. Ski Erg/air runner for bootcamp

Score= Sum of lowest reps in each movement