Maurice – Eye on the Clock… Ready to Go
AT HOME FITNESS – Track on SugarWOD – Coaching VIDs on our Youtube Channel
2 Rounds
20 Ice Skaters
10 Jumping Split Squats (5 per side)
5 Burpees w/ Tuck Jump
10 Step Ups w/ Knee Drive (on stairs, chair, bench, etc.)
- 5 Reverse Lunges per side (add weight if able – get creative! Lunge with your dog or child! If unable to add weight, increase reps)
- Max Effort Wall Sit
- Rest
On minute 1, complete lunges. On minute 2, perform wall sit. On minute 3, rest. Repeat x5.
Backpack Thrusters*
Burpees w/ Tuck Jump
*Grab your backpack, gymbag, etc. and load it up with some books or other weight. The added challenge will be stabilizing the backpack overhead. Like a regular barbell thruster, fight to push your head through at the top!
Classic WOD
Warm Up
2 Rounds
15/12 Calorie Ski or 12/10 Bike
10 Weighted Split Squats (6 per side)
5 Burpee Box Jumps
10 Alt. Weighted Step Ups
Quad Rolling
Couch Stretch
1. 2 Front Squats (3 Second Pause)
2. 5 Deficit Reverse Lunges each side (standing on a 45lb plate) Holding KBs and DBs
3. Rest
Thrusters 95|65
Toes to Bar
Burpee Box Jumps 24|20
Level 2- 75|50
Level 1- 65|35
ADV – 115|80
Extra Work
25|20 Cal Bike
50 Wall Balls 20|14
20|15 Bar Muups
25|20 Cal Bike