Spring into Summer Nutrition Challenge Kicks Off Next Week!
With summer just around the corner, it’s time to get our nutrition in check before we are overwhelmed with cookouts, parties, and day drinking. What better way to get back on track than with another nutrition challenge? We’re switching the format up again and focusing on a shorter, stricter one month challenge. The challenge will be wrapped up and over with before your July 4th Celebrations… so why not participate?!
We won’t be holding a lecture this time around, but you can find all of the rules of the challenge HERE. Take a read through, and let us know if you have any questions! Important dates and details below:
Buy In: $20
Benchmark Workouts: Wednesday, May 30th during All Classes
Weigh-Ins & Measurements: Tuesday 5/29 PM classes, Wednesday 5/30 & Thursday 5/31 AM & PM classes, Friday 6/1 All Classes
Challenge Begins: Thursday, June 1st
Challenge Ends: Friday, June 30th
To sign up to participate in the challenge, click HERE!
Burpee Breakdown
5 Burpees
10 Burpees without jump
15 Burps
20 Push Ups
ADV – Snatch Grip
Behind the Neck Push Press
WOD (20 Minute Hard cap)
35 handstand push-ups
35 toes-to-bars
35-cal. bike
35 dumbbell box step-overs
50-ft. right-arm dumbbell overhead lunge (50,35)
50-ft. left-arm dumbbell overhead lunge
Regional Version- 50 Reps (70,50)
Level 2- goblet kb up and over, single arm lockout (1.5,1),15 HSPUs
Level 1- (1,0.75), 35 Push-ups
Extra Work
odd – 2 Heavy Power Cleans
even – 50 ft Handstand Walk
ADV – up the garage door hill
Scaled – 25 ft or 10-20 shoulder taps