No Equipment, No Problems, Quarantine Accountability Challenge & Remote Movement Coaching

Katie – Dominating Dumbbells

AT HOME FITNESS – Follow the track on the SugarWOD App – Coaching Videos can be found right on our app and on our Youtube Channel.  Live coached WOD on the Zoom App at noon. click the link to join—-> This can also be found in our Instagram.  All videos are uploaded to Youtube afterward if you are unable to make the live class.

Take a look at our No Equipment, No Problem WOD Document for various workouts.

We’re working on a Quarantine Accountability Challenge in the event that we are unable to get back into the gym in the immediate future. This would include a host of things not limited to challenges of bodyweight moments for reps, static holds, steps, nutrition, at home workouts, etc… More to follow soon.

It’s amazing how many barbells, db’s & kb’s made their way outside the walls of the box and into your homes.  While they are in your possession we want to make sure that we can continue to provide Movement Coaching to help you move better. If you are interested in receiving specific coaching on anything, let us know or simply film yourself and direct message us on Instagram.

:45 Work/:15 Rest

  • Jumping Jacks
  • Inchworms
  • High Knees
  • Hollow Hold
  • Butt Kickers
  • Push Ups

Alternating Tabata
8 Rounds
:20 on/:10 off

  • Reaching Sit Ups
  • Russian Twists

Alternate between the two exercises. 8 rounds total, 4 of each movement.

Then, try some Dragon Flags!
3 x 5 of your best effort

2 Rounds
800m Run
50 Weighted Lunges
25 Burpees over object

*Get creative with what you have around the house for these lunges. If you have some equipment at home, awesome – use it! If not, grab some heavy water jugs and hold on in each hand, load up your backpack, lift that old bag of mulch in your shed, or find a log or stone outside somewhere! Run Subs –
If you borrowed a rower from the gym – Row 1000m
If you have a Bike – Bike 1.5 miles
Jump Rope Sub = 200 Double Unders or 400 Single Unders
Can’t do any of these 45s of Min Climbers, 45s of Jumping Jacks, 45s Air Squats, 45s of butt kickers = 800 Run

Classic WOD

:45 Work/:15 Rest
-Med Ball Death March
-10 Scap Pull Up then Hip Touches
-Med Ball Burpee Ground To Overhead

Alternating Tabata
Med Ball V-Ups
Russain Twists

Ball Ups|Skin the Cats
Ice Cream Makers

2 Rounds
1000m Row
50 Lunges 1.5|1
25 Burpee Pull-ups

Level 2- 1|0.75, 40 Lunges, 20 Burpee Pull-ups
Level 1- 0.75|0.5, 750m Row, 30 Lunges, 15 Burpee Pull-ups
ADV – double KB Front Rack Lunges (1.5’s,1’s)

Extra Work
3 Rounds
7 Deficit HSPUs 6’|4’
7 Sandbag Over the Shoulder 140|90
150’ Sandbag Hug Carry

Scale sandbag weight and deficit as necessary