Hold The Line

#TBT Sled Pulls, Sunshine & Smiles



  1. 250M Row
  2. 5 of ea – I’s Y’s T’s W’s
  3. 50 Double Unders/ 100 Singles/ 40s of Double Under Attempts
  4. 5 Banded Single Arm Face Pull External Rotation & Press each side

Alternating Tabata 1

  1. Single Leg V-ups*
  2. Plank Hold

*ADV- V-Ups

-Rest 1 Min-

Alternating Tabata 2

  1. Supermans*
  2. Bicycle Abs

*10s hold in superman “rest”. 10s of actual rest after the bicycle abs

500/400m Row
75 Double Unders
15 Toes to Bar

*Aim for a minute of rest per round

Level 3- 50 Double unders, 10 Toes to Bar
Level 2- 35 Double Unders 10 Toes to Bar
Level 1- 100 Singles, 8 knees to chest

Extra Work – Active Recovery
10 Cal Row
5 Lateral Burpees over Rower
20 Cal Row
10 Lateral Burpees over Rower
30 Cal Row
15 Lateral Burpees over Rower
40 Cal Row
20 Lateral Burpees over Rower
50 Cal Row
25 Lateral Burpees over Rowe