Hero WOD “Wes”

Joe Ham

Primarily Indoors
Warm Up
200M Run

2 Rounds
10 Shoulder Activators*
5 Burpee Step Ups**
10 Muscle Cleans

200M Run w Plate

U.S. Navy Lt. J. Wesley “Wes” Van Dorn

U.S. Navy Lt. J. Wesley “Wes” Van Dorn, 29, of Greensboro, North Carolina, died on Jan. 8, 2014, of injuries sustained in a helicopter crash off the coast of Virginia. He was a member of Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron 14 at the Naval Air Station in Norfolk, Virginia.

Van Dorn was a well-rounded and skilled athlete. According to his friends, he “prided himself on his ability to lift huge weight with the big guys and run with the smaller ones.“ Van Dorn is survived by his wife, Nicole; sons, Jaxton and Maddox; parents, Mark and Susan; brother, Max; and sister, Cara.

Hero WOD (40 Minute Cap)
For time:
Run 800 meters with a 25|15-lb. plate
Then, 14 rounds of:
5 strict pull-ups
4 burpee box jumps, 24|20
3 cleans 185|125

Then, run 800 meters with a 25|15-lb. Plate
Level 3 – 165|115
Level 2- 155|105
Level 1- 95|65

Extra Work
Online SemiFinal Event 4

Complete AMRAP in 10 Minutes

10 Snatches 135|85
-1 Min Rest-
10 Snatches 185|145
-1 Min Rest-
10 Snatches 225|145
-1 Min Rest-
Max Rep Snatches in the time remaining 245|165

Intermediate Weights = 115|75-135|95-165|115-195|135

Beginner Option – Squat Snatch 3-3-3-3-3