June IGN+ITE Registration is Open!


IGN+ITE Integrated Group Nutrition & Interval Training Experience Ignite the fire within. Achieve results.

***Special Introductory Pricing: $200 for 8 Weeks!***
IGN+ITE is a comprehensive fitness experience combining movement, nutrition, and lifestyle to drive real, sustainable results. This program goes beyond the gym to help you navigate the other twenty-three hours of your day and form long-lasting, healthy habits. By pairing high-intensity interval training with nutrition guidance and accountability, IGN+ITE will transform your outlook on fitness and help you reach your individual goals. This is an 8-week program that meets twice a week on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5:30AM. Each 60-minute class will include nutrition education & guidance and a high-intensity interval workout.

The 45-minute workout uses bikes, rowers, dumbbells, kettlebells and simple bodyweight exercises to deliver a full-body workout. The interval-based workout will vary every day. This class is accessible for all levels; no prior fitness experience needed.

Beyond the workout, each class will offer nutrition and lifestyle guidance. We will cover topics such as eating for fat loss, optimizing post-workout recovery, easy meal planning and more. Baseline measurements and photos will be taken every two weeks to monitor progress. Coaches will offer support and advice based on your daily food logs to help you meet your individual goals.

Ignite the fire within; achieve real results! June session kicks off on Tuesday 6/4/19

Click Here to Sign Up!

Dynamic Warm Up

E3MOM for 15 Minutes

5 Front Squats @75-80%


5 Thrusters (95,65)
5 Box Jump Overs
5 Toes to Bar

Level 2- 4-4-4, (75,50)
Level 1- 3-4-3, (55,35)
ADV- 6 Reps (115,75)

Extra Work
15-12-9 OHS (155/105)
Bar Muscle Up

Bootcamp/Conditioning (6:30AM in Southie Green/4:45PM in Southie Orange)
Every 5 Minutes for 30 Minutes
400m Run
15 Burpees over the Rower
X Calorie Row

Rest the remainder of the of the 5 Minutes, you should have no less than 45s to rest until the last few rounds if at all.