Photo Scavenger Hunt!


The Photo Scavenger Hunt was a total hoot last year. Come join us on October 20th starting at 9am for our second annual photo hunt around Boston! This year we are going to sign up ahead of time, and we will group you depending on your ability level. This is truly a great way to meet people at the box. To read more about how the event and to sign up, please click here.

Also please save that very same night for our 2 year anniversary party at the Greatest Bar starting at 7pm. We will have 2 floors to ourselves from 7-10pm. After 10pm the bar will be opened to the public, but we can hang out all night if we like. After 10pm the DJ comes on and we get our boogie on. Food will be served from 8-10pm, accompanied by a slideshow of the pictures from the scavenger hunt and from the last year. Dress code is Hott.

Split Jerk

Think down, not up.  Hit full extension and then pull yourself underneath the bar quickly.  Get the head through the bar before the feet hit the floor, arms should be behind the ears.  It is more likely to lose the bar forward than backward so get under it and let your legs do the work to stand it up.

4 Rounds
15 Clapping Push-ups
50 Double Unders
200m Run

Level 2- Hand Release Push-ups- 25 dubs
Level 1- 3 Rounds, Hand-release push-ups, 100 singles