Classes today will run on a normal schedule until 1pm, night classes will be held at 3,4,5 and 6pm in Green. No 7pm class in Green and no night classes in Orange.
If you are going to cheat on Paleo this Thanksgiving, at least cheat like a champ. At Sunday yoga, Tamara will be raffling off a $50 GIFT-CARD TO PICCO (http://www.piccorestaurant.
Every Minute On The Minute (EMOM):10
1 Squat Clean and Split Jerk
-start with a heavy weight. Limit lots of jumps in weight and if any, only small jumps should be made. Each minute should be challenging.
Partner WOD
One partner works through and entire round while the other rests:
16 minute AMRAP
3 Squat Cleans (155,105)
6 Clapping Push-ups
9 Toes to bar
Score = total rounds
Level 3 (135,95)
Level 2 (115,75)
Level 1 (95,45)