We’re OPEN all night. Warm up with a little shoveling and then come get your WOD on!

The CrossFit Open is Coming!
The Crossfit Open is the first round of the CrossFit Games and consists of 1 workout each week over the course of 5 weeks. In the coming month and a half, we will be re-testing Open workouts on Thursdays from previous years to prepare and get in the Open spirit. Some days we will even partner up and judge each other, so you are all familiar with the process. When the open officially starts on the 25th of February, we will be completing these workouts in classes as the Workout of the Day. There is no reason for you to not sign up, as you will be attending class anyway, right?
“What’s the point, I don’t plan on making it to Regionals,” you say? The Open is fun! It is designed so you push yourself to your limit, see how you improve year to year and find out the areas where you could use some extra improvement, making your training more focused in the next coming year. Additionally, if a wheelhouse WOD comes up and you crush it, your score will be contributed to the team and can help a CrossFit Southie team to Regionals this year!
Signing up for the Open
Signing up for the Open is easy! Every year, we have great community participation in the Open. We hope to make this year the best yet! Follow these steps below and get yourself registered to help send a CFS Team to Regionals!
1. Click HERE to create an account and sign up
2. Select “CrossFit Southie” as your affiliate
3. Select “CrossFit Southie” as your team
4. Get ready to crush these workouts!
Open WOD 14.1
10 Minute AMRAP
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches (75,55)
Scores/Comments from Open WOD 14.1 8/12/15
Scores/Comments from Open WOD 14.1 2/28/14
Calories on the Rower, Bike or Ski Erg. Rest 1:1 or work in with a partner
500-400-300-200m Sprint