Down The Line


Pop Up WOD at 730am and 12pm today.  Zoom at 530pm.

Check our Class Schedule for all upcoming Pop Up and Zoom times.
Click the Zoom link to join

1 Minute of Each
-Single Unders or Plate Hops
-Russain Swings
-Weighted Step-Ups to Balance Right

200m Run or in Place 

-Weighted Step Ups to Balance Left
-American Swings
-Double Unders or Plate Hops

2 Rounds 30s of Each movement

  1. Plank bird dogs
  2. Side plank knee drive right
  3. Side plank knee drive right
  4. Plank-push-up-double shoulder tap

 *30s rest before repeating 2nd round

Calves – Roll & Stretch

Every 3 Minutes for 24 Minutes (9 sets – last interval begins at 24 minutes)

200M Run


  1. 75 Double Unders
  2. 25 Kettlebell/Object Swings* 1.5|1
  3. 16 Weighted Step-Ups 1.5|1

*Plate GTOH 45|35 – ADV – 55|45 – Use the Same Plate for the Step Ups

Below are the reps/distance for each of the intervals broken down by levels. 

There is a 200m Sprint at the beginning of each interval.  Athletes complete A the first interval, B the second interval, and C the 3rd, and they continue that throughout the 30 Minutes. There should be 9 – 200m sprints. 

Level 3 – 50 Double Unders, 20 swings, 12 step-ups
Level 2 – 30 Double Unders or 100 singles, 15 swings, 10 step-ups
Level 1– 100m sprint, 50 singles, 10 Unweighted Step-Ups

Run Subs = 1 Minute of Mountain Climbers, Jumping Jacks, Burps.  Use the first round to come up with a number to hit each round. 

Extra Work 
3 Rounds With Sliders, Towels or Socks on Hardwood
-5 Body Saw
-10 Reverse Lunge Each Leg
-10 Lateral Lunge Each LEg
-10 Knee Tucks
-10 JackKnives
-50 Mountain Climbers
-5 Single Arm Lateral Push Out Slide Outs Each Arm
-5 Single Arm Front Push Out Slide Outs Each Arm
-10 Slider Hamstring Curls
-5 Push Up Bottom Front Slide Out*
-10 Single Leg Hamstring Curls each leg

*if these are too difficult, try the slide out at the top for each arm and then perform a push up