*There will be a 7:30 Advanced class in the AM*
Partner WOD
Each Partner Completes..
Row 500m
Run 400m
Row 250m
Run 200m
100m Farmer’s Carry (2,1.5)
50 Burpee Pull-ups (As a team)
100m Farmer’s Carry
Run 200m
Row 250m
Run 400m
Row 500m
Level 2/1 (1.5,1)
One partner works while the other partner rests. Each partner must complete all of the runs, rows, and the farmer’s carry individually. The burpee pull-ups are 50 reps between the two partners. Each time you put down the KBs during the farmer’s walk there is a 5 burpee penalty for both partners at the end of the WOD. Your time is called after the completion of all of the penalty burpees. Since you are resting while your partner is working you should be working at your full capacity during your work periods. Move as FAST as you can.