![No place I'd rather be](https://www.crossfitsouthie.com/wp-content/uploads/sky-1024x682.jpg)
Calling all Paleo Challenge participants! Today is the first official day of the challenge. Eat clean and don’t forget to log those points!
Today at 10am Yoga, Tamara will be raffling off a special RacePak package full of an assortment of delicious, Paleo snacks to fuel your WODs and ensure you dominate the CFS Paleo Challenge this October! RacePak supports your healthy living & nutrition by providing a series of products to athletes and active individuals via a customizeable monthly subscription service.
Close Grip Bench
-Between sets complete a max effort set of ring dips
7 Rounds
30 Double Unders
15 Deadlifts (135,95)
Level 2- (115,75), 25 Double Unders, 6 Rounds
Level 1- (95,65), 60 singles, 5 rounds
At Home WOD:
3 Rounds for time
30 Air Squats
30 Push Ups
30 Burpees