Fuel Bar Update: Due to popular demand, you are now able to add Fuel Bar purchases to your account! To do this, please fill out the Fuel Bar tracker sheet at the front desk each time you make a purchase. Charges for fuel bar purchases will be processed each Saturday. Now there is absolutely no need for an IOU if you forget to bring cash. Thanks in advancefor your honesty!
Yes you heard right, pizza burgers. Some of you may be thinking this is too good to be true. How do you combine two of the world’s greatest culinary feats together into one masterful dish? It’s quite simple really and I am going to tell you how. Those of you who know how to cook understand certain concepts when it comes to cooking and food prep. For example: add a little of this, a pinch of that and a handful of those. These people have a good handle on what food should look like, feel like and smell like before and after cooking. Others who might not have a great grasp on cooking principles, are all about numbers, for example: 1 tsp of “blank”, ½ cup of “blank” and you have to cook “blank” for 2 minutes on each side on medium heat. It is important to note that cooking is different than baking, baking is all about numbers and cooking is about feel. Baking is science, cooking is art. I really enjoy cooking and have been cooking for as long as I can remember. With that being said, I don’t really pay attention to numbers when I cook, I add a little of this and a little of that. I’m going to do my best to break down the pizza burger into measurements for you numbers people and for you cookers out there here are the ingredients, be creative.
Pizza Burgers:
1 lbs ground beef (whatever fat ratio you like, turkey doesn’t hold up well in this recipe)
1 tsp of dried oregano
1 tsp of dried Italian seasoning
3-4 fresh basil leaves chopped fine (These aren’t necessary, but they add a nice fresh element- don’t confuse with bay leaves)
½ tsp of salt
½ tsp black pepper
2 tbsp Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
2 tbsp shredded mozzarella cheese
¼ cup pizza sauce
Sliced cheese for topping (cheese is your choice, I like American or pepper jack)
Hamburger bun of your choice (or not, if you’re being paleo)
Combine all ingredients except the pizza sauce in a large mixing bowl. You won’t be able to mix this with a spoon, so dig deep, pull out your inner Neanderthal and mix the beef with your hands until everything is evenly distributed. The last step is adding the pizza sauce. Don’t pour all the sauce in at once. Too much sauce = messy burgers. You can always add more sauce, you can’t take the sauce out (easy test, grab a handful of burger, press it into a patty, does to stay together? If yes, then you didn’t add too much sauce). I personally like to get as much sauce in there as I can; I push the boundary between a solid burger and a Sloppy-Joe. If you find you added too much sauce don’t worry there is a fix for that (I will touch upon that in a minute).
This recipe is for 1 lb. of beef. When I make pizza burgers I have to make a big batch because they are so popular amongst my friends and family, they don’t last long. I usually make a 4-5 lb. batch of pizza burgers, so obviously you would adjust the recipe to fit the amount of beef you use. When I make my burgers I’m fancy and I use a hamburger press (hands work just fine), but I individually wrap each one in plastic wrap. I do this for a few reasons. One being 5 lbs. of beef makes a lot of burgers, so I put them in the freezer and that way I can enjoy a pizza burger any time a craving comes on. This is also the fix for too much sauce, cooking a frozen burger on the grill will allow you to put the burger on the grill in once piece and take it off in once piece (just make sure you cook the frozen burger on low heat.
A few additional notes: get creative with the burgers! If you like pepperoni pizza, try adding pepperoni to the recipe. If you like veggie pizza, try adding veggies to the recipe. If you are paleo (I’m 100% paleo 75% of the time) don’t add the cheese and slap the burger between two pieces of lettuce or two Portobello mushroom caps. Now that it’s mid-summer, everyone is sick of burgers and dogs impress your guests with pizza burgers. I guarantee they will be the highlight of your next cookout, or family dinner. Go get em!
2014 Crossfit Games (45 min cap)
“Triple 3”
3000m Row
300 Double Unders
3 Mile Run
*Last Monday’s workout should have given you an idea of how to scale this.
Level 3- 2000m row 150 double Unders, 2 mile run
Level 2 – 2000m Run, 100 Double Unders, 1.5 mile run
Level 1- 1500m Row, 300 singles, 1 mile run
3 mile loop on map my run –
• Right onto Dorchester St
• Left at the light up D St
• Right onto West Broadway
• Right at the light to turn down Dorchester St
• Right at Andrew Station onto Dorchester Ave
• Run past the gym
• Right onto B St
• Right onto West Broadway
• Right Down D St
• Right on to Dorchester Ave and back to the Gym
Upper Body