Compromised Integrity


You asked for it, you got it!  We are now carrying another fuel option for our athletes to aid in pre-post WOD nutrition! Custom Fit Meals has created a natural, gluten-free, paleo version of those junk and preservative filled protein bars. The Best Bar Ever is packed with 15g of protein and made from a nutritious mixture of nuts, dried fruit, oats, protein, honey, and molasses. These bars are made fresh from scratch each week, yielding a soft and chewy protein bar with a delicious nutty taste. Stop by the front desk to give it a try! $3.50 each- cash or charge it to your account!  Come to the desk and try a small sample today!

Every Minute on the Minute
1 Power Clean
1 Squat Clean
-Hands must remain on bar

One time through
1500m Row
40 Pull-ups
30 Overhead Squats (95,65)

Level 2 (75,55)
Level 1 (65,35), 1000m Row

Conditioning Class: WOD
5 Rounds
20 Calories on Airdyne
400m Sprint
Rest 2 minutes

Conditioning Class: Core
20 Single leg bridges – right side
20 Single leg bridges – left side
20 Jane fondas – right side
20 Jane fondas – left side
*Perform 10 hollow rocks after each movement