Let’s celebrate being one week out from completion with a little paleo brunch. The Colvins have invited the CFS crew to their home (29 M Street Apt 1) this Tomorrow-Sunday, October 27th at 11am for a paleo gathering. To sign up for the brunch please click here. As always friends and family are welcome if they would like to join in on the fun too. Either a dish or a donation is all that we ask. Don’t miss out!
Chipper Action
Run 1 mile
20 Bar Facing Burpees
20 Deadlifts (225,145)
20 Burpee lateral Jumps
20 Power Cleans (135, 95)
20 Burpees
20 Empty barbell thrusters
400m sprint
Level 2 (185, 95) (95, 65)
Level 1 (135, 75)(65, 45)